Friday, June 3, 2011

This is OUR house; we should take care of it!

I cannot believe Eric Cantor (R-VA) and his remarks concerning the Joplin tornado disaster.
He feels that we, as a nation, must JUSTIFY extending relief fund to OUR  own citizens who desperately need it. After both the Haiti disaster and the Japanese Tsunami I was flooded with opportunities to donate funds to help these people,

Why are Americans not worthy of our charity and help? I know their are many, many Americans, who like me, watched in utter dismay and concern as the disaster in Joplin was reported, and would like to help. Who does Eric Cantor think he is? So one man gets to decide who he deems worthy of our help in a time of need. Are we to just leave families , literally, out in the cold to fend for themselves? I feel John Stewart, once again put it into perfect perspective,
In this video he refers to the fact that actual elephants from the circus are being used to remove debris, therefore elephants are doing more than the GOP party for the people of Joplin!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Random Rant...

I wrote this in like 5 minutes one day for a class assignment that I had not done, didn't turn out too bad(little cheesy)

To Society:

As I sit here and ponder
Over what , Hmm I wonder.
The world, it's slowly going under...

Society has become such a disaster
Into the vortex; faster, faster
I shall not bow down to any master!

Organized religion is such a solicitation
Just believe, you don't need an education.
Wake up and realize it's all just a fabrication...

Government lies; Media acts surprised
And you, You're caught up in The View

Lindsey Lohan, Mel Gibson ranting
F this, F that, growling and panting
And_your_on_the_edge_of_your_seat_enthralled! How enchanting.

I hope you enjoy your trivial little things
Into your life, a little joy it should bring
If ignorance is bliss, then you should be about ready to sing!

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be the disrespectful one
But if I've offended you then job well done
Maybe now you will take a look at what you've become

Miss-educated, un-educated, illusional, delusional
Barely literate, and oh yeah full of it!!

When was the last time you had an original thought?
Now that's a thought.. Think about it!

What is Spirituality???

I would like to share an excerpt from an Alcoholics Anonymous text called "Came To Believe", this is on pg 4 I believe,
     "Spirituality is an awakening- or is it all the loose ends woven together into a mellow fabric? It's understanding- or is it all the knowledge one need ever know? It's freedom- if you consider fear slavery. It's confidence- or is it the belief that God will see you through any storm or gale? It's adhering to the dictates of your conscience- or is it a deep, genuine, living concern for the people and the planet? It's peace of mind in the face of adversity. It's a keen and sharpened desire for survival.
     It's a man or a woman. It's gratitude for every happenstance of the past that brought you to a moment of justice. It's the joy of being a young man/woman in a young world. It's awareness- or is it realization of one's capabilities and limitations? It's concentration- or is it an easy sensing of the universe? It's seeing a mystical power for good in each and every human being. It's patience in the face of stupidity. It's feeling you want to knock somebodys head off- and walking away instead. It's when your down past your last dime, and you know you still have something that money can't buy. It's wearing dungarees that feel like a tuxedo. It's wanting to go home, yet being there. It's a rocket ride that goes far beyond the world your eye can see. It's looking at something that is superficially ugly, but radiates beauty. It's a majestic skyline or a western desert. It's a young child. It's seeing a caterpillar turn into a butterfly. It's the awareness that survival is a savage fight between you and yourself. It's knowing that even the bad times are good.
     Dont' look back- you haven't seen anything yet. When people look at you and wonder what's with you, the look in your eyes will answer them, "Because I can cut it!"
     The singular thing that is spirituality cannot be given to a fellow man/woman by word of mouth. If every man is to have it, then every man must earn it, in his own way, by his own hand, stamped by the seal of himself, in his own individual right."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Underlying Racism in Florida's Welfare Drug-Testing

This is an appalling attempt by a state government to further oppress the most needy in their region. It has been shown time and time again that poverty is a huge catalyst for drug dependancy. Those who are seeking welfare are the poor, and unfortunately in this country that means a large percentage of African American population. Our government has been and still is the leading importer of drugs into this country(if you don't believe that, do some research on the Reagan Contra issue and Freeway Ricky Ross), yet we spend billions every year on the war on drugs, but we rarely arrest anyone above a "street-level" dealer. AND one of the most hyppocritical points of it all is that the major contributors to A Partnership for a Drug Free America are the tobacco and alcohol industry. We, as a nation, provide minimal support for those struggling in our country and yet we are going to put up even further barriers to the most needy in our country. This is another racially motivated policy to further oppress the poor and to further stretch the socioeconomic gap that is ever-widening in this country. One last point, the majority of the 'dirty urines' that would probably be seen, would be for marijuana. So once again we will be wasting money fighting a so-called drug that we hold a very hyppocritical stance upon as a government. We allow marijuana to be a very socially accepted phenomena, yet we continually lock up our youth providing them with criminal records that will follow them for years if not forever, and now we will once again use a substance that we socially accept and hyppocritically waffle on, to further seperate the economic classes and deny citizens the avenues to a better life. Shame.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Further Discussion: Institutional Racism

I have been reading Class, Race, Gender, & Crime by Gregg Barak, Paul Leighton, and Jeanne Flavin:
I believe it very eloquently presents the issue of institutional racism and instead of me trying to paraphrase their thoughts, I will just quote a little, "The term institutional or institutionalized racism acknowledges that racist behavioral patterns or consequences may have structural aspects to them that systematically stratify society, shape identity, and produce substantative differences. For example, Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton observed:
When white terrorists bomb a black church and kill five black children, that is an act of individual racism, widely deplored by most segments of society. But when in that same city-Birmingham, Alabama-five hundred black babies die each year because of lack of proper food, shelter and medical facilities, and thousands more are destoyed and maimed physically, emotionally, and intellectually because of conditions of poverty and discrimination, that is a function of institutional racism (1967, 65)" 
Ref. Carmichael, Stokely, and Charles Hamilton. 1967. Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America. New York: Vintage
This is still happening in cities all across America. Ready to talk yet...???

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A racist Harrisburg?? Let's have THAT discussion...

I was watching the budget hearings for Philadelphia school districts and could not believe the way the issue of racism was so politically skirted. I don't know the gentlemen's name, but one of the speakers for the Pila. school district stated that Harrisburg was beginning to listen now that they are seeing that the reaction is coming at them citywide and "not just from the Black and Brown." Are you serious?? So it takes WHITE people to complain to Harrisburg to get anything done. When are we as a nation going to stand up and full-on address the MAJOR issue of racism in this country, in our institutions, and in our government! WE, all of us, are American citizens and therefore are entitled to our basic civil liberties under The Constitution of America. In this age of information and technology the old guard of powerful, rich white men can no longer operate their agenda's of oppression, and socio-economic subjugation under the cover of darkness. We see what is being done to the middle and lower classes of this nation; high unemployment rates, education funding cuts, and I will not even get started on the drug and poverty issue of this nation, as well as our crooked, chattel slavery penal system. It's time that we begin to bring these discussions to the forefront of our political debates! It is a shame that only now, that many whites are being caught on the "wrong side" of this socio-economic division where the rich are slowly but steadily strangling the very life out of the classes below them, that a move to bring some focus onto this subject is beginning to occur. We are all people! As far back as the Plessy vs Ferguson decision this country has tolerated racially based institutions, when is enough going to be enough! The rich and powerful of this country are slowly trying to shape this country into their own personal plantations. I am doing my best to educate myself to what is happening in my community and my country because knowledge is the first step in forming a defense against what is being done to us as a nation. Have these conversations, as respectfully as possible, but please begin to have them!

article on hearings:

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Politics is NOT a four-letter word! Campaign trail 2012

Check out Eliot Spitzer's interview with Shelby Steele concerning Obama and race;

In 2008 there were a lot of people who voted who had NEVER voted before, both black and white as well as many other ethnicities. And yes many of the black population voted JUST because Obama is considered black, but many, many young white voters voted Obama because it was the "cool" thing to be doing. Well, when the mid-term elections came around many of these voters who voted for the first time and voted for Obama probably did not even know that there is a such thing as mid-term elections. So the same crotchety, rich white folks came out to vote and we ended up with a republican dominated congress. In 2012 many of the voters will turn out again just to vote Obama, which I believe is a good thing, but I wish it was a more educated vote.When did discussing the manner in which WE are governed become taboo and why???? This seems to be playing right into the hands of those who wish to keep power to keep others oppressed. Please discuss how we are governed!!! The majority of the people of America do not vote yet it is this same majority who is getting the short end of the stick. The less we discuss politics and the less we become involved the easier it is for those in power to remain in power. Our governments shortcomings are no secret by any stretch of the imagination, so why cannot we get these fixed?? It is because we do not participate, we do not discuss what is going on in our government with those in our own communities. Believe me the ones with money and in power have these discussions on a regular basis and then act upon their opinions by voting, that's how they remain in power. I know that the history of our government and it's corruptions have made US as a society of people disillusioned in our own governing process to the point where we choose to disassociate. A change can be made but it takes a nation of millions! Let us stop a small percentage of the country from running the country, IT IS WITHIN OUR POWER! Politics is not a four-letter word!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Obama in Westminster

I find it rather amusing how much the press salivates over the slightest blunder by Obama; you would think with 8 yrs of Bush they would be tired of reporting blunders. I do not see the importance of these minor missteps, most of the British customs are quite antiquated and anyone with a modern life could easily miss one. It bothers me that Obama is being criticized for being seen drinking a Guiness while Joplin, MO suffers, (no disrespect or lack of concern for the people of Joplin is intended here). Really?? Has the president, if nothing else, atleast shown that his major concern is for the American people? Do you really think he does not care? At the moment though, the job of which we placed him in charge, demanded that his focus be elsewhere. Is there anything he can actually do? He has acknowledged the situation, and scheduled to visit the area, and I am sure he has approved whatever people to handle the care and caregiving to these people in need. Just sayin...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Is Anybody Out There???

     I attended the city wide forum for the city council debates yesterday evening and I am astounded. Education and job creation were the main problems of the city that were discussed and some very good things were said. I heard some real passion in some voices and in others I heard nothing. BUT there were only about 50 people in the room. That's what, 0.000001% of the population of Philly. Most of these were staff or family of the candidates, where the hell were the citizens???? I know Philadelphians care about their neighborhoods I have seen it from all areas. I know poor black communities, even with all its faults, that are fiercly loyal to their neighborhood and I've watched suburban whites fight tooth and nail to keep anything out of their neighborhoods that may be detrimental to it. So I know people care. Is it that we, as a city, have become so dissappointed by our local government that we've given up??? Most of what was said at the forum was right on the money when looking at the problems of jobs and education but city council cannot do it alone. A city, a thriving city, is built by the people that love it, live in it, and depend on it. A connection between the government of this city and the people needs to be formed or these problems will NOT be solved to OUR satisfactions!! Good intentions and a bus token will get me across town but thats about it. A connection must be made!!! AND with all due respect, politickin' and posturin' ain't gonna cut it!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

For the Ladies...

I was listening to some of my old-school rap collection, of which I love, and I listened to a song by an artist that is huge today that really struck me. Now, mind you, I have listened to this particular track hundreds of times before but something about hearing it resonated with me this time and I realized that Cee-Lo's opening verse voices an opinion that I have desperately been trying to put into words. This is exactly my sentiments and if you are really feelin' what I'm saying then get at me...

This is Goodie Mob from there first album, the track is "Beautiful Skin" and the lyrics are Cee-Lo's;

This is out of common respect for all women period. Word up. Like this song, yo.
I’m quite single, and occasionally I mingle, but aside from all the rest,
She sparks my interest. No ma’am I don’t know you,
Just offerin the common respect I feel I owe you
Also, some conversation, companionship, common ground and common sense,
There’s no such thing as coincidence in me finding you here
And I really hate screamin in yo’ ear, so some other time, ok?
I waited a day, Hello this the caller you told from a couple of days ago,
You sound tired, forgive me if I call you too late,
But what better time to relate mind state?
Where can I begin, hasn’t anyone ever told you you got beautiful skin?
You’re more than welcome, what do you desire within?
I just wanna be, there’s no need to put titles on you and me
Those are limitations, living and learning is our only obligations
Equality, honesty, independence, intelligence.
Emotional, and devotional, humbly seekin to hear God when He’s speakin.
At one time my mind couldn’t conceive, a woman had to dress a certain way to believe.
But in the same breath, allow me to say, that
If you believe young lady, you wouldn’t dress that way, and I,
Was attracted to yo’ class, I couldn’t see all yo’ ass, and I was very content,
You deserve every compliment, now,
Remember our indifferences make us the same, you got to have game,
Or you ain’t gonna be able to take care of yourself.
And love, when I look at you, I see my reflection.
So I offer my love, affection, and protection.
Shawty, you dead fine, but the bottom line is,
You still my sister.

Well I said you’re my beginning my end,
You’re my sister, lover, and friend
Lordy, your light from within
It shines, for your beautiful skin.
What they say bout you ain’t true
There’s no me if there is no you
I hope that you understand
You got to respect yourself before I can

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Birth Certificate BOMB

I AM NOT going to devote much to this issue, but it really amazes me that Trump is congratulating himself on a victory in this issue because HE alone got this document to surface. WOW, again I have to say, WOW!!!  Yes Mr. Trump you dragged the public's interest through the seedy gutter of gossip, and let's not forget the great ol' conspiracy theory, sooooo much that our government had to take the time to address this issue when there is way more important issues in our country right now (and I don't mean the royal wedding!) and then you would like to take pride in that, instead of staring at your shoes and mumbling "I'm sorry" like you should be. I hope this document resonates as a big, "Shut the hell up!!"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Just Sayin... (cont'd)

I am not claiming to be any sort of expert on these documents or on the subject but I got a little common sense and I'd like to exert it for a few moments, hopefully you will too. I was interested to hear that the entire Constitution was read at the 112th congressional meeting, but did anyone really listen!! AND I think The Declaration of Independance should have been read as well. I would like to just touch on a few parts of the Declaration and the Constitution:
     "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." (Declaration of Independence)
     Granted there is a huge argument to be made on the equal treatment of men in this country but government is meant for the people and to be run by the people. Ok so if that has been established, can we agree that our government is not doing a very good job being that our economy is drowning? But how much do you think politicians are struggling financially? I hear a lot being said about taxing the rich, that the trickle down effect does not work. But the actual ones holding the MAJORITY of the wealth are not individual people!! Here are some stats and numbers for you: 
#1 The top 1 percent of all income earners already pay 39.5 percent of all federal income taxes.
#2 When you take all forms of federal taxation into account, the top 1 percent of all income earners pay 28.1 percent of all federal taxes.
#3 The top 20 percent of all income earners in the United States pay approximately 86 percent of all federal income taxes.
#4 One recent poll found that 64 percent of Americans are in favor of raising taxes on those that make $250,000 or more a year in order to help balance the federal budget deficit.  Another recent poll found that 72 percent of Americans favor raising taxes on those making $250,000 or more a year.
#5 Approximately 45 percent of all U.S. households pay absolutely no income taxes at all.
#6 Overall, U.S. households are now receiving more income from the U.S. government than they are paying to the government in taxes.  This is clearly not anywhere close to sustainable.
#7 During 2010, the U.S. government paid out a combined $2.3 trillion in unemployment benefits, Social Security benefits, disability insurance, Medicare benefits, Medicaid benefits, benefits for veterans, education assistance and other direct transfers of cash from the government to individual citizens.
#8 59 percent of all Americans now receive a government payout of one form or another.
#9 The ultra-wealthy keep much of their wealth outside of the United States so that the government cannot tax it.  It has been estimated that a third of all the wealth in the world is held in "offshore" banks.
#10 Thanks to new corporate tax cuts in Japan, the United States now has the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world.
#11 Large corporations have become masters at avoiding taxes.  Back in the 1950s, corporate taxes accounted for about 30 percent of all federal revenue, but in 2009 corporate taxes accounted for just 6.6 percent.
#12 General Electric has been a great friend to the Obama administration. According to the New York Times, General Electric made a total of 14.2 billion dollars in profits last year.  So how much did they pay in taxes to the U.S. Treasury?  According to the New York Times, not one penny was paid.
#13 Even though Boeing receives billions in federal subsidies every year and even though it has a bunch of juicy government contracts it did not pay a single penny in federal corporate income taxes from 2008 to 2010.
#14 Exxon-Mobil paid $15 billion in taxes in 2009, but not a single penny went to the U.S. government.  Meanwhile, their CEO brought in over 29 million dollars in total compensation that year.
      Is this only sounding ridiculous to me?? How can we have corportions raking in money from the U.S. population yet not paying into federal taxes?? This is where I would like to refer to the Constitution, in Article one, section 8 it says, "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States"
     This document is telling me that congress possesses the power to say to these corporations "YOU MUST PAY TAXES", yet it is NOT being done! Please take a look at the list on this webpage:
I will lay out the top three, this is political, campaign contributions accumulated over the last 20 yrs-
ActBlue- $51,552,980  (yes that's millions)
Amer Fedn of state, county, municipal employess-$45,037,993
ATT&T Inc.- $40,800,955
   That is just the top three, the list is the top 140 corporations and the one at 140 still contributed over a million dollars in the last twenty years. REALLY!!! It takes this much money to get people elected to office!! This money could go to so many different, MORE IMPORTANT issues than politicians trying to get elected. I feel Thomas Moore had a great idea in "Utopia" that as soon as someone strives to gain an office they are no longer eligible for said office. That would mean one of your peers would have to recognize your abilities and earnestness, and propose you for office. I'm laying all this out to go back to where I started, The Declaration of Independance, if WE THE PEOPLE are not happy with our government, if we feel that our concerns are not being addressed properly it is our right to make changes. It is our duty, it is within our power to make these changes. BUT IT ONLY HAPPENS THROUGH PARTICIPATION!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Just Sayin...

Is republican Tom Corbett pissin you off too with these idiotic budget cuts? Are republicans in general pissin you off? Well it's kind of our fault, as a people. We, the poor, struggling people, were desperate for a change in our government. So desperate in fact that we came out in droves and elected not only one of our youngest, but also our first African American, part at least, president. BUT not for either of those reasons, but because he represented something completely different from what we have had in the White House previously. He won by a landslide! Then two years later another election comes around but this one really has nothing to do with Obama, so many who came out to vote the first time did not come out this time and A LOT of republicans claimed seats in our government. This has led to the pushing of viscious budget cuts to education and other public services, because Obama cannnot do it alone, he needs a team and these guys are NOT  on our team, the average struggling American. Now this upcoming election all the PEOPLE will come out and vote again and Obama will win by a landslide. That is why republicans are not even really concerned with pushing a candidate; Mitt Romney?? Mike Huckabee?? DONALD TRUMP?? I mean come on, you would not normally see this from the republican party but they know and are afraid of the POWER OF THE PEOPLE!! Why do you think they want to cut so much education funding?? We, the little people are getting too bright and are starting to catch on to how the game works, and they cannot have that happen!! YOU MUST VOTE! We the people really do have the power to control OUR government but we must speak out together, all of us, because believe me, we waaaay outnumber the very rich of this country! Please vote and vote every time an election comes around, we need a TEAM of people on Capitol Hill, not just the Lone Ranger.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Epic of Gilgamesh: A love story!

            There is a central theme, which is the main theme of the epic, which is being overlooked; love. Love is the motivating factor as well as the catalyst for the personal journey that Gilgamesh makes within himself. The love in question is the relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. This is clearly outlined in Tablet I and is further built upon throughout the epic.
            In Tablet I Gilgamesh is introduced and is portrayed as a tyrant, uncaring and arrogant(hubris), yet mighty in stature and strength. Enkidu is created from a pinch of clay by the goddess Aruru to use him to show Gilgamesh the error of his ways. Here is where the first allusions to their relationship begin to show up. When Gilgamesh tells his mother, Ninsun, about his 2 dreams she interprets them(he dreams of a rock the first time and an axe the second)
            “The stars of heaven appeared above you,
            Like a rock from the sky one fell down before you.
            You lifted it up, but it weighed too much for you,
            you tried to roll it, but you could not dislodge it.
            You lifted it up, set it down at my feet,
            And I, Ninsun, I made it your equal.
            Like a wife you loved it, caressed and embraced it:
            A mighty comrade will come to you, and be his friend’s savior.

            Mightiest in the land, strength he possesses,
            His strength is as mighty as a rock from the sky.
            Like a wife you’ll love him, caress and embrace him,
            He will be mighty, and often will save you.”
Ninsun’s translation of 2nd dream
            “My son, the axe you saw is a friend,
            Like a wife you’ll love him, caress and embrace him,
            And I, Ninsun, shall make him your equal.
            A mighty comrade will come to you, and be his friend’s savior,
            Mightiest in the land, strength he possesses,
            His strength is as mighty as a rock from the sky.”
This is easy to see that he will be sent a friend that he will LOVE like a WIFE. Immediately after these interpretations they cut to Enkidu and Shamhat making love.
            In Tablet I as Enkidu is being “tamed” (being made impure) by Shamhat, he also gains reason and wide understanding. With this comes realization that he must find a friend. This is shown as Shamhat speaks to Enkidu right after he has gained understanding.
            “You are handsome, Enkidu, you are just like a god!
            Why with the beasts do you wander the wild?
            Come, I will take you to Uruk-the-Sheepfold,
            To the sacred temple, home of Anu and Ishtar,

            Where Gilgamesh is perfect in strength,
 like wild bull lording it over the menfolk.
So she spoke to him and her work found favour,
He knew by instinct, he should seek a friend.”(p.8)
By instinct he knew he should seek a friend, this is an allusion to human nature and our need to seek love, companionship, attention, etc.
            In Tablet II Enkidu and Gilgamesh meet for the first time and it is significant that at their first meeting Enkidu stops Gilgamesh from being with a woman. He is staking his claim immediately. The two wrestle and then they kiss and become friends (p.17). Ninsun offends Enkidu and he becomes upset and Gilgamesh comforts him; first sign of budding relationship; caring for each other. To cheer up Enkidu Gilgamesh thinks up some mischief to get into, slay Humbaba. As they prepare for this everywhere they go in town they hold hands (growing relationship). Ninsun adopts Enkidu before they leave on journey. Enkidu begins to have doubts but Gilgamesh consoles him.
            As they travel to Forest of Cedar Gilgamesh has 5 bad dreams and Enkidu consoles him. This is a role reversal from earlier. It’s to show the caring that they both had for each other, it was not lopsided, both cared for each other equally. There is a key passage at the bottom of p. 38 in Tablet IV;
            “Take my hand, friend, and we shall go on together,
            Let your thoughts dwell on combat!
            Forget death and seek life!”
The first two lines allude to “love conquers all” and the last line is a bit of foreshadowing for the lesson Enkidu is trying to teach.
            In Tablet V there are some masculine/feminine roles beginning to show up between Gilgamesh and Enkidu.  They come to Humbaba and as they approach Humbaba he insults Enkidu and Gilgamesh starts to waver but Enkidu bolsters him on. Also Gilgamesh looks to Enkidu almost for permission to slay Humbaba, and only at his command does G finally kill Humbaba. G is almost saying how dare you insult E. This shows a female role for E and male for G, and I think its kind of a backhanded reference to the fact that the wife wears the pants even back then with G looking to E for permission. This is further shown in Tablet VI when they slay the Bull of Heaven.
            Ishtar is attracted to G and he insults her. She gets the Bull from her father Anu and send it to attack G. Once again at E’s instruction does G slay the Bull, also again showing the wife wearing the pants. As G slays the Bull E says to Ishtar that he would slay her as well if he could catch her. He says this in the manner of a jealous lover and his words carry great weight. After the battle they wash and hold hands and walk through town in front of all the women getting them to yell G’s name. E with his prize man parading him in front of the girls!!
            Tablet VII is where the true moral of the story begins to unfold, to experience love is the one beautiful aspect that seperates mortal from immortal; our fatal flaw. In the beginning of the tablet E finds out he is to die and sas he laments to G his only regret mentioned is to NOT see him again.
“Enkidu lay down before Gilgamesh, his tears (flowed) down like streams: ‘O my
brother, dear to me is my brother! They will (never) raise me up again for my brother.
(Among) the dead I shall sit, the threshold of the dead ( I shall cross,) never again
(shall I set) eyes on me dear brother.” (p.55)
E goes on to curse the hunter-man and then he curses the harlot at first. As Shamash hears that E is cursing Shamhat for defiling him and taking him from his contentment in the wild he reminds E that because of this he was able to meet and get to know G. Also he tells E how G will treat him in death and mourn for him. At hearing this E completely changes his tune and blesses the harlot for giving him the chance to know G.
            In tablet VIII G goes into deep mourning for E. His love for this man is very evident;
            “He covered, like a bride, the face of his friend, like an eagle he circled around him.
            Like a lioness deprived of her cubs, he paced to and fro, this way and that.” (p.65)
He laments and prays to many gods, he has an ornate statue made of his friend, which is very important this was an honor bestowed usually to kings and gods. He is very much heartbroken.
            At the beginning of tablet IX G is heavy in his sorrow and in conversation with Shamash the underlying moral starts to peak through;
“Shamash grew worried, and bending down, he spoke to Gilgamesh: ‘O Gilgamesh, where are you wandering? The life that you seek you will never find.’
Said Gilgamesh to him, to the hero Shamash: ‘After roaming, wandering all through the wild, when I enter the Netherworld will rest be scarce? I shall lie there sleeping all down the years!
‘Let my eyes see the sun and be sated with light! The darkness is hidden, how much light is there left? When may the dead see the rays of the sun?” (p.71)
G is starting to realize the wonders of living, the simple LOVE of life itself and more importantly what it means to have that taken from you. The rest of the tablet is G traveling and in sorrow of course, seeking answers, seeking knowledge.
            Tablet X is dedicated almost entirely to him telling others about his love for E.. Right from the beginning we get a clear picture of the emotional torment he is going through and the questions it has stirred within him as well as maybe a revelation or two. G has just come upon the tavern-keeper Shiduri, she is asking why; if he has just come from slaying Humbaba and the Bull does he look so haggard and sad. This is picked up from after the first few lines of his response;
            “[my friend, whom I loved so dear,] [who with me went through every danger,]
            [my friend Enkidu, whom I loved so dear,] [who with me went through every danger:]
            ‘[the doom of mortals overtook him.] [Six days I wept for him and seven nights.]
            [I did not surrender his body for burial,] [until a maggot dropped from his nostril.]
            ‘[Then I was afraid that I too would die,] [I grew fearful of death, and so wander the
            wild.] What became of my friend [was too much to bear,] [so on a far road I wander
            the] wild; what became of [my friend] Enkidu [was too much to bear,] [so on a far
            path] I wander [the wild.]
            ‘How can I keep silent?] How can I stay quiet? [My friend, whom I loved, has turned] to
            clay, my friend Enkidu, whom I loved, has [turned to clay.] [Shall I not be like] him, and
            also lie down, [never] to rise again, through all eternity?” (pp.77,78)
Several times G states his love for E as he does several times to come as well. He kept the body until a maggot came out of it, huge emotional attachment issue. G also clearly states about his fear of death. The line about ‘the doom of mortals’ is great, E’s only sin was loving G. He was created with a purpose and his love for G distracted him from what he was CREATED to do, which is powerful.
            The tavern-keeper Shiduri instructs G to go across the ocean to “The Waters of Death”. Water is very symbolic of cleansing, birth, re-birth, all life comes from water, etc. Shiduri tells him about the boatman, Ur-shanabi, and Uta-napishti the Distant that he must talk to. G finds the boatman and throws his crew in the river, when the boatman asks G why his mood is so wretched he gives the same response he gave to Shiduri professing his love for E (pp. 80-81). G makes his way to “The Waters of Death” and finds Uta-napishti. G gives the same lament about loving E for the third time (pp. 84-85)
            In Tablet XI Uta-napishti tells G of a plant at the bottom of the ocean that gives eternal life. He also tells G the story of the deluge and shows G his own mortality through the lesson of sleep. Through these stories Gilgamesh slowly understands the tenuousness of life, and the limitations of mortality. This adds to his already burning desire to understand death but it also allows him to begin to reflect on what is important during one’s lifetime and what are the benefits of being mortal, love. The repeated laments about Enkidu clearly outline what G felt was important during his lifetime and the sleep issue further reinstated his mortality and vulnerability to human needs, but he still cannot let go of the idea of eternal life.
            Uta-napishti tells him of the plant and G dives down to retrieve it. Now, in possession of the plant G is venturing home in hopes of administering the plant to himself and E. He stops to bathe and the plant is stolen by a snake. The snake is a representation of E, him coming to say that G didn’t need the plant, he had learned the lesson, and the shedding of the skin is representative of a new beginning. A shedding of previous thinking and the start of something new. Gilgamesh had learned that love is a gift to be experienced by mortals, a gift to be cherished, a gift worth dying for.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pleasureful Embarrassment

      The damp warmth of her breath barely brushing across my ear was almost my undoing as she leaned in for the obligatory greeting, a kiss on BOTH cheeks! Our eyes met for the briefest of instances and I knew that moment that I would not be able to withstand another caress from those lips without shattering right here on the spot! Sooo... As she leaned in AGAIN I let my feet go out from under me and #$&WHAM$%&* right on my tukus! IN FRONT OF HER WHOLE FAMILY! I was mortified, yet willing to deal with this embarrassment to save from professing my love in a babbling rush, if she were to bless me with the touch of those lips again.

The Evil Within (one of my first college papers)

           Religion in and of itself is neither good nor bad but man’s practice of religion has been abysmal  at best. Man’s practice of religion has bred violence, sexual misconduct, and exploitation of one’s faith. From the earliest civilizations through today’s time people have been killed in the name of one god or another, sex has run the gamut in religion from erotic artwork to child molestation, and exploitation of one’s faith has come in all shape, sizes, and colors. Most major religions of the world have the same basic tenets for living a wholesome life. Then how do we find such difference in our religions that we kill one another? The tenets are rather clear and easy to understand so where does sexual assault and exploitation fit in? They don’t. These are things that man brings to religion when he starts practicing it.

          Religion in and of itself is neither good nor bad, but man’s practice of religion has been atrocious. Many people have been slaughtered in the name of one god or another, over the ages. Even in today’s society people are being slain behind religious differences. Also in today’s society, and for many centuries previously, so-called “men of god” have committed numerous criminal acts. The majority of the crimes that they commit are sexual in nature, the worse being child molestation. Cardinal sins being committed by Cardinals! Yet another abuse of religious power is the exploitation of man’s faith. Crooked televangelists have, and still are leeching money from people by playing upon their faith. The history of man’s practice of religion is a tale of violence, sexual misconduct, and exploitation.
            Since ancient history violence has mixed with religion. Many of the founding civilizations; the Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians; would torture and even kill those with opposing beliefs. In 4th century Rome Constantine converted to Catholicism and anyone found to be practicing previously believed religions were put to death (Crabtree, 2002). The inquisitions held by the Catholic Church were a field day of torture and religious persecution, terrorizing anyone who did not share their religious views (unknown, 2010). Another appalling example would be the Crusades that lasted for 200 years. Muslims and Christians murdered one another by the thousands behind religious differences (unknown, The Crusades, 2000).
            Even in today’s society people are killing one another over religious beliefs. The war on terror is a prime example. Islamic Fundamentalist despise American culture and religion so much they are willing to die to eradicate the world of the “evil Christian Americans” (unknown, Fundametalist Islam resurges, 2010). There have also been numerous accounts over the decades of random acts of violence related to religious differences. Religious differences are usually personal choice differences being that most major religions practice the same basic tenets. Religion should be about one’s faith in something greater than themselves which motivates them to live a better, more wholesome life. So where does violence, exploitation, and sexual misbehavior fit into this picture?
            As with violence, sex has often, throughout history, blended into man’s practice of religion, usually in a negative, sometimes criminal manner. Some early civilizations had a god for everything; the sun god, the moon goddess, the god of love, the god of virility, the goddess of erotica; a god for any emotion, or feeling. The way these gods and goddesses were depicted in artwork was usually very erotic in nature. Most of the religious art from early Greece and Rome was very erotic in nature (Tarkovsky, 2006). There was a very thin line between sex and religious idol adoration.
            The blending of erotica with religious art was a small sin compared to the abominations going on inside the Catholic Church of today. Child sexual abuse has run rampant in the church. The news coverage until recently was very hush-hush, but recent outcries by many abused Church members has brought this issue to center stage. For decades the Catholic Church has been turning a blind eye to the sins committed by its clergy (Luzombe, 2009). John Delaney, an assistant district attorney for Philadelphia, spoke out about his abuse as an altar boy by a clergy member (Newal, 2006).  This is not happening in far off places but in our own back yards.
            Sexual predators in the Church prey upon a child’s faith as well as a host of other issues to commit and keep quiet their devious acts, but what about those who blatantly exploit people’s faith for personal benefit. Televangelists have been using people’s faith to milk them for their hard earned money. Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker were perfect examples. They were so blatant as to come on T.V. and plainly state “Send us your money and we will pray for you” (Buddenbaum, 2009). When they were finally exposed and arrested for tax evasion their company had millions and millions of dollars mostly from donations (Buddenbaum, 2009). They were not the only ones but probably the most famous, Jerry Falwell was another crooked televangelist.
            Exploiting mans faith has not just been limited to financial gain. There have been many spiritual cult leaders throughout the years that have turned out to be monsters, Jim Jones and David Koresh being two of the more notable ones. Jim Jones lead his followers to a mass suicide in Jonestown in 1978, 912 people committed suicide (Sumpter, 1994). David Koresh led his followers to death in 1993 in Waco, TX (Sumpter, 1994). Both of these men played upon the faith of their followers to want to believe in something greater than themselves that was tangible. Another fine example of mans practice of religion.
            Religion itself is neither good nor evil; it is merely an outline for a way to live your life. It is when man begins to interpret these religious tenets and incorporate them into their lives that trouble may arise. We are human and prone to mistakes but can blatant disregard for human life, sexuality, and faith be chalked up to mistakes, or is it just our devious nature. Not all practice of religion has been negative; there have been many great occasions that organized religion has played a hand in. Also many organized religions have programs that help those that are less unfortunate which is a wonderful way to show one’s love and belief in god and that we are all god’s creatures. It is a real shame that these aspects of organized religion are overshadowed by the atrocities committed by “people of faith”. How can a religion strive when the very ones who are supposed to be the epitome of a faithful believer are the very ones committing the sins?
            Violence, exploitation, and sexual misconduct sound like descriptions of the latest summer movie not aspects of religious practice. How do we as a people get from “though shall not kill, though shall not steal, though shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife” to the principles we think of today when we speak of religion. These basic principles, of which there are more than three, are central to most all the religions of the world. Then why is it when I hear a discussion about religion it includes such topics as sex, violence, and exploitation?
            The word religion does not hold the same meaning or weight as it used to. A large reason for that is the way we practice religion, which is abysmal at best. Religion has become a very personal thing because organized groups of religion tend to have corruption and deceit mixed in there somewhere, as well as greed. Less and less youths are adhering to and claiming one religious sect such as Lutheran, or Protestant, or Baptist, or whatever. Over the decades we have watched man crush religious principles for personal benefit time and time again. Is religion to blame? Or is it man that should be blamed? Yet, has there been a report of religion killing a man or raping a man or turning his pockets inside out, but man does that to man day in and day out.

Buddenbaum, J. (2009). Religious scandals. Greenwood Press
Crabtree, V. (2002). Mithriasm and early Christianity. Retrieved 2010, from
Luzombe, L.D. (2009). Moderating and intensifying factors influencing forgiveness by priests
            and lay people. Pastoral Psychology, p.263-274
Newal, M. (2006). Shining a light on a cover-up. National Catholic Reporter, p.5-11
Sumpter, R. (1994) Jim Jones and David Koresh. Education, p.542
Tarvosky, S. (2006). Sex history in ancient Greece. Retrieved 2010, from Articles Base:
Unknown. (2010). Fundamentalist Islam resurges. Retrieved 2010, from The Middle
            East in bible prophecy:
Unknown. (2000). The Crusades. Retrieved 2010, from History learning site:
Unknown. (2010). The inquisition. Retrieved 2010, from The Jewish Virtual Library:

Untitled (early writing)

The wind gently moves the swings
In a sandbox, a lone child is silently destroying sandcastles
On a park bench,
A young mother quietly weeps…

Angry voices float down from an open window
Off in the distance, a siren wails its sad song
In the street,
A man lays slain…
Pools of blood forever reflect the streetlights

Painful Reminiscings (An early writing, I was 20 maybe)

Painful reminiscing…
  Eyes like emeralds, slanting ever so slightly
  Mischievous smile, bordering on erotic
  Olive toned skin, hair like dark silk
  Full figured yet demure
  Blazingly sexy yet innocently sensual
Torturous memories…
  Falling into a fathomless pit of love
  The wonderful times spent getting to know one another
  The romantic picnics by the river
  The quiet evenings spent under the stars
  The lazy afternoons spent in bed
Agonizing thoughts of you…
  Your soft laughter, your throaty voice like music to my soul
  Your exceptional understanding and caring
  Your maddening stubbornness
  Your stimulating touch, the feel of your body next to mine
  The soft caress of your lips, the murmured words I love you

You still invade my every thought
  I still catch your scent
    I still see your face
My soul still yearns
  My body still craves
    My mind still longs
      My heart still aches

Will it ever stop?
  Will your memory fade?
    Do I want it to?
      Will I let it?

Still loving you
  Always missing you

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How Come Justice is Always on the Side of the Asshole

     I am not a violent person.
BUT a large portion of our society needs to have their ass kicked!!! When did being disrespectful, rude, ignorant, beligerent, etc. become acceptable behavior? How many times have you had to say to yourself or someone with you, "forget about it. It's not worth it." because someone has just seriously disrespected you or someone with you and kept it movin like they had the right?? I cannot tell you how many times I have been out and either had this happen to me personally or seen it; a guy try to holla at a girl who is obviously with another guy. Now, okay playa, you tried your hand, the girl blew you off, but you can't let it go at that. The guy has to either say some real disrespectful shit or doesn't quit bothering the girl. Now the guy with the girl, who doesn't get into trouble, is out to just have fun, has to make a decision. This is the real kicker, if the guy knocks out the disrespectful guy, as he should, he is going to jail. That's justice??? How many times you bump into someone, say excuse me, and still get cursed out? That's right? The guy that cuts line and you politely say something; "Fuck you" is what you get back and the people running the store, business, whatever, don't want to get involved because they don't wat to get sued. When did our justice system become a shield to allow assholes to just run rampant with no repercussions? I know that there is no real solution to this problem and it's a reflection of the lack of family structure and the teachings of morals and principles that come along with that. I just don't understand the desire to be mean, evil, hateful to another for no apparent reason. I live in the wrong era...

Fashion Show Review


            Camera flashes and bright smiles greet me as I enter Star Models 5th Anniversary Fashion Show. The setting is The Greek Room at Macys Center City, an elegant venue perfect for this event. The room is brimming with proud family members of the young models, eagerly awaiting the start of the show. One of the host’s for the day, Rita J. from Mo*Kai*ec Productions, is taking comments from family members on how this youth development program has affected the lives of these young ladies modeling for us today. The thanks and gratitude was clearly written all over people’s faces, but the pride and happiness in the voices of parents, aunts, uncles siblings, and cousins was a joy to hear. Truly a joyous day.
            It’s showtime! The chattering voices and raucous laughter die down as the program director, Henrietta Hadley, takes the podium. After a brief introduction the music is cranked up and the first young model walks the floor. She is wearing a cute little black and white shorts set, and even though her eyes are darting about nervously, her smile and her step is right on point! The show was off to a great start as a booming applause echoed around the room. Eleven more young ladies strutted across the room in an array of spring fashion. Beautiful pinks, vibrant yellows, and soft baby blues sprinkled the collection. Some girls were timid and a little shy, while others were bold and brazen, but all of them were beautiful. To see their faces light up when the enthusiastic applause enveloped them was amazing!
            After the first round of fashion, Henrietta introduced a special guest, Valerie Ward Miss Black Pennsylvania. Ms. Ward, looking elegantly gorgeous, gave a brief bio on each model. As their bio was read, the ladies came out in pairs to walk the floor in stunning spring dresses. Wonderful sun dresses in pretty floral prints, baby-doll dresses in lovely pastels, and long, loose, flowing dresses in sizzling bright greens and yellows made up the collection. Most of the girls were over their nervous jitters, so it was all big smiles and some adorable posing. They looked like it was a sunny day in the park.
            The next portion of the program was a tribute to Michael Jackson. One of the older models, 14 or 15 yrs old, and a young gentlemen did a dance routine to the music of Michael Jackson. Very entertaining! After this was the main portion of the program, each model walked the floor in a garment of her own making. I must say, some of these young ladies have an impeccable eye for fashion. I saw some very nice silhouettes, a lot of movement in the dresses, and the color palettes were gorgeous. This was the moment for these girls to shine, modeling their own designs for their family and friends. The smiles were blinding! The show concluded with each model receiving an award from Star Models for excellence and achievement. In addition, scholarships for a summer program at Moore College were awarded to four of the young ladies. Overall, I would say the event was a smashing success.
            This show today would not have been possible were it not for the founder of Star Models, Henrietta Hadley. She started by just playing “Top Model” with some of the girls at the local recreation center after school. She donated just a couple hours a week to these young girls, which grew into a youth development program. She named her program Star Models and works with girls between the ages of 8-16 who are interested in the fashion industry. The program covers topics like building self-esteem, individuality, social graces, career awareness and preparation, etc. It also includes such activities such as weekly group exercises, weekly team building challenges, talent show, career fair, fashion show, and more. With the help of people like Rita J. and Kimberlyn Bannerman from Beauty By Divination, Henrietta has built this program up to what it is today. That is a great accomplishment she should receive an award! These young lives are being shaped and molded everyday by their environment and the people in their life. It is nice to know that there are people who care enough to take the time to put together a program like this. I look forward to the 6th Anniversary Fashion Show.

First Date: A How To Guide

               A few discreet glances, a shared smile; ahh the courting game has begun! The delicious excitement at the prospect of a new love interest, has its first stirrings. As you saunter over her way, feigning confidence, there is a running monologue in your head. Smile, be smart, be funny, and for heavens sake, please don’t make an ass out of yourself! You politely ask if you may join her, she demurely accepts. Introductions are made, seats are taken, and hopefully a little alcohol is served. You attempt to dazzle her with your witty banter and charming disposition. Hopefully she is just a touch dazzling as well. All this leading up to that inevitable question, you know the one. You calmly ask, “Can I take you out sometime?” While your insides are doing Cirque De Soleil acrobat flips and you sit there in nail-biting, sweating anticipation as those three seconds stretch by like a never ending rubber band, before she says that magical word, “Sure”. Ahhh you’ve done it! You’ve procured a first date. Now what shall you do with it?
                I believe that no matter how old I get a first date will always make me feel like an awkward teen all over again. What do I say? What do I wear? Where do we go? How much do I tell her about myself? Oh all these thoughts like giant ping-pong balls of agony and stress bouncing around in my head. Relax! Breathe! Relax! She already must have some interest in you or she would not have said yes! So, just be yourself and either she will like you or not.
                I like to do two-part first dates. The first part of the date is usually something silly or fun to put you both at ease. Things like go-carts, batting cages, miniature golf, or my all time favorite roller skating. Usually these are things that she has not done in awhile and they’re fun. You can relax, have some laughs, and just see if you enjoy each others company.
                Roller skating is the best. You laugh, you fall all over each other, you do couples skate, and the next day when her girlfriend asks how the date was, she doesn’t go, “Oh the same old, same old.” She says, “Girl! He took me roller skating! I had so much fun. I hadn’t done that in years.” Now that you’re both relaxed you move to the second part of the date.
                The second part is the actual getting- to- know- you part. Drinks somewhere, maybe a little bite to eat, and conversation. This is also a good point to show your consideration for her. Ask her if there is somewhere she knows of that she would like to get drinks. Women are usually more comfortable in familiar surroundings. Now this is very important, this is not an interview! Do not fire questions at this young lady, but at the same time do not recite your entire life story. Let the conversation flow wherever it may go, and if you are interested in each other the little important questions will find their way into the conversation. Your entire evening should be about three hours long.
                There, it is done! A first date that hopefully went well. There are small hints and innuendos that will let you know if she is truly interested. So pay attention! And for me, if this was a picture perfect first date, it would end with a sweet kiss that hopefully sets off sparks of iridescent colors shooting behind my closed eyes. That would make her last murmured words of “call me”, as she shuts the door, sound like music to my ears.