Monday, April 4, 2011

Just Sayin...

Is republican Tom Corbett pissin you off too with these idiotic budget cuts? Are republicans in general pissin you off? Well it's kind of our fault, as a people. We, the poor, struggling people, were desperate for a change in our government. So desperate in fact that we came out in droves and elected not only one of our youngest, but also our first African American, part at least, president. BUT not for either of those reasons, but because he represented something completely different from what we have had in the White House previously. He won by a landslide! Then two years later another election comes around but this one really has nothing to do with Obama, so many who came out to vote the first time did not come out this time and A LOT of republicans claimed seats in our government. This has led to the pushing of viscious budget cuts to education and other public services, because Obama cannnot do it alone, he needs a team and these guys are NOT  on our team, the average struggling American. Now this upcoming election all the PEOPLE will come out and vote again and Obama will win by a landslide. That is why republicans are not even really concerned with pushing a candidate; Mitt Romney?? Mike Huckabee?? DONALD TRUMP?? I mean come on, you would not normally see this from the republican party but they know and are afraid of the POWER OF THE PEOPLE!! Why do you think they want to cut so much education funding?? We, the little people are getting too bright and are starting to catch on to how the game works, and they cannot have that happen!! YOU MUST VOTE! We the people really do have the power to control OUR government but we must speak out together, all of us, because believe me, we waaaay outnumber the very rich of this country! Please vote and vote every time an election comes around, we need a TEAM of people on Capitol Hill, not just the Lone Ranger.

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