Friday, June 3, 2011

This is OUR house; we should take care of it!

I cannot believe Eric Cantor (R-VA) and his remarks concerning the Joplin tornado disaster.
He feels that we, as a nation, must JUSTIFY extending relief fund to OUR  own citizens who desperately need it. After both the Haiti disaster and the Japanese Tsunami I was flooded with opportunities to donate funds to help these people,

Why are Americans not worthy of our charity and help? I know their are many, many Americans, who like me, watched in utter dismay and concern as the disaster in Joplin was reported, and would like to help. Who does Eric Cantor think he is? So one man gets to decide who he deems worthy of our help in a time of need. Are we to just leave families , literally, out in the cold to fend for themselves? I feel John Stewart, once again put it into perfect perspective,
In this video he refers to the fact that actual elephants from the circus are being used to remove debris, therefore elephants are doing more than the GOP party for the people of Joplin!

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