Thursday, June 2, 2011

What is Spirituality???

I would like to share an excerpt from an Alcoholics Anonymous text called "Came To Believe", this is on pg 4 I believe,
     "Spirituality is an awakening- or is it all the loose ends woven together into a mellow fabric? It's understanding- or is it all the knowledge one need ever know? It's freedom- if you consider fear slavery. It's confidence- or is it the belief that God will see you through any storm or gale? It's adhering to the dictates of your conscience- or is it a deep, genuine, living concern for the people and the planet? It's peace of mind in the face of adversity. It's a keen and sharpened desire for survival.
     It's a man or a woman. It's gratitude for every happenstance of the past that brought you to a moment of justice. It's the joy of being a young man/woman in a young world. It's awareness- or is it realization of one's capabilities and limitations? It's concentration- or is it an easy sensing of the universe? It's seeing a mystical power for good in each and every human being. It's patience in the face of stupidity. It's feeling you want to knock somebodys head off- and walking away instead. It's when your down past your last dime, and you know you still have something that money can't buy. It's wearing dungarees that feel like a tuxedo. It's wanting to go home, yet being there. It's a rocket ride that goes far beyond the world your eye can see. It's looking at something that is superficially ugly, but radiates beauty. It's a majestic skyline or a western desert. It's a young child. It's seeing a caterpillar turn into a butterfly. It's the awareness that survival is a savage fight between you and yourself. It's knowing that even the bad times are good.
     Dont' look back- you haven't seen anything yet. When people look at you and wonder what's with you, the look in your eyes will answer them, "Because I can cut it!"
     The singular thing that is spirituality cannot be given to a fellow man/woman by word of mouth. If every man is to have it, then every man must earn it, in his own way, by his own hand, stamped by the seal of himself, in his own individual right."

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