Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Obama in Westminster

I find it rather amusing how much the press salivates over the slightest blunder by Obama; you would think with 8 yrs of Bush they would be tired of reporting blunders. I do not see the importance of these minor missteps, most of the British customs are quite antiquated and anyone with a modern life could easily miss one. It bothers me that Obama is being criticized for being seen drinking a Guiness while Joplin, MO suffers, (no disrespect or lack of concern for the people of Joplin is intended here). Really?? Has the president, if nothing else, atleast shown that his major concern is for the American people? Do you really think he does not care? At the moment though, the job of which we placed him in charge, demanded that his focus be elsewhere. Is there anything he can actually do? He has acknowledged the situation, and scheduled to visit the area, and I am sure he has approved whatever people to handle the care and caregiving to these people in need. Just sayin...

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