Saturday, May 28, 2011

A racist Harrisburg?? Let's have THAT discussion...

I was watching the budget hearings for Philadelphia school districts and could not believe the way the issue of racism was so politically skirted. I don't know the gentlemen's name, but one of the speakers for the Pila. school district stated that Harrisburg was beginning to listen now that they are seeing that the reaction is coming at them citywide and "not just from the Black and Brown." Are you serious?? So it takes WHITE people to complain to Harrisburg to get anything done. When are we as a nation going to stand up and full-on address the MAJOR issue of racism in this country, in our institutions, and in our government! WE, all of us, are American citizens and therefore are entitled to our basic civil liberties under The Constitution of America. In this age of information and technology the old guard of powerful, rich white men can no longer operate their agenda's of oppression, and socio-economic subjugation under the cover of darkness. We see what is being done to the middle and lower classes of this nation; high unemployment rates, education funding cuts, and I will not even get started on the drug and poverty issue of this nation, as well as our crooked, chattel slavery penal system. It's time that we begin to bring these discussions to the forefront of our political debates! It is a shame that only now, that many whites are being caught on the "wrong side" of this socio-economic division where the rich are slowly but steadily strangling the very life out of the classes below them, that a move to bring some focus onto this subject is beginning to occur. We are all people! As far back as the Plessy vs Ferguson decision this country has tolerated racially based institutions, when is enough going to be enough! The rich and powerful of this country are slowly trying to shape this country into their own personal plantations. I am doing my best to educate myself to what is happening in my community and my country because knowledge is the first step in forming a defense against what is being done to us as a nation. Have these conversations, as respectfully as possible, but please begin to have them!

article on hearings:

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