Monday, May 30, 2011

Further Discussion: Institutional Racism

I have been reading Class, Race, Gender, & Crime by Gregg Barak, Paul Leighton, and Jeanne Flavin:
I believe it very eloquently presents the issue of institutional racism and instead of me trying to paraphrase their thoughts, I will just quote a little, "The term institutional or institutionalized racism acknowledges that racist behavioral patterns or consequences may have structural aspects to them that systematically stratify society, shape identity, and produce substantative differences. For example, Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton observed:
When white terrorists bomb a black church and kill five black children, that is an act of individual racism, widely deplored by most segments of society. But when in that same city-Birmingham, Alabama-five hundred black babies die each year because of lack of proper food, shelter and medical facilities, and thousands more are destoyed and maimed physically, emotionally, and intellectually because of conditions of poverty and discrimination, that is a function of institutional racism (1967, 65)" 
Ref. Carmichael, Stokely, and Charles Hamilton. 1967. Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America. New York: Vintage
This is still happening in cities all across America. Ready to talk yet...???

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A racist Harrisburg?? Let's have THAT discussion...

I was watching the budget hearings for Philadelphia school districts and could not believe the way the issue of racism was so politically skirted. I don't know the gentlemen's name, but one of the speakers for the Pila. school district stated that Harrisburg was beginning to listen now that they are seeing that the reaction is coming at them citywide and "not just from the Black and Brown." Are you serious?? So it takes WHITE people to complain to Harrisburg to get anything done. When are we as a nation going to stand up and full-on address the MAJOR issue of racism in this country, in our institutions, and in our government! WE, all of us, are American citizens and therefore are entitled to our basic civil liberties under The Constitution of America. In this age of information and technology the old guard of powerful, rich white men can no longer operate their agenda's of oppression, and socio-economic subjugation under the cover of darkness. We see what is being done to the middle and lower classes of this nation; high unemployment rates, education funding cuts, and I will not even get started on the drug and poverty issue of this nation, as well as our crooked, chattel slavery penal system. It's time that we begin to bring these discussions to the forefront of our political debates! It is a shame that only now, that many whites are being caught on the "wrong side" of this socio-economic division where the rich are slowly but steadily strangling the very life out of the classes below them, that a move to bring some focus onto this subject is beginning to occur. We are all people! As far back as the Plessy vs Ferguson decision this country has tolerated racially based institutions, when is enough going to be enough! The rich and powerful of this country are slowly trying to shape this country into their own personal plantations. I am doing my best to educate myself to what is happening in my community and my country because knowledge is the first step in forming a defense against what is being done to us as a nation. Have these conversations, as respectfully as possible, but please begin to have them!

article on hearings:

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Politics is NOT a four-letter word! Campaign trail 2012

Check out Eliot Spitzer's interview with Shelby Steele concerning Obama and race;

In 2008 there were a lot of people who voted who had NEVER voted before, both black and white as well as many other ethnicities. And yes many of the black population voted JUST because Obama is considered black, but many, many young white voters voted Obama because it was the "cool" thing to be doing. Well, when the mid-term elections came around many of these voters who voted for the first time and voted for Obama probably did not even know that there is a such thing as mid-term elections. So the same crotchety, rich white folks came out to vote and we ended up with a republican dominated congress. In 2012 many of the voters will turn out again just to vote Obama, which I believe is a good thing, but I wish it was a more educated vote.When did discussing the manner in which WE are governed become taboo and why???? This seems to be playing right into the hands of those who wish to keep power to keep others oppressed. Please discuss how we are governed!!! The majority of the people of America do not vote yet it is this same majority who is getting the short end of the stick. The less we discuss politics and the less we become involved the easier it is for those in power to remain in power. Our governments shortcomings are no secret by any stretch of the imagination, so why cannot we get these fixed?? It is because we do not participate, we do not discuss what is going on in our government with those in our own communities. Believe me the ones with money and in power have these discussions on a regular basis and then act upon their opinions by voting, that's how they remain in power. I know that the history of our government and it's corruptions have made US as a society of people disillusioned in our own governing process to the point where we choose to disassociate. A change can be made but it takes a nation of millions! Let us stop a small percentage of the country from running the country, IT IS WITHIN OUR POWER! Politics is not a four-letter word!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Obama in Westminster

I find it rather amusing how much the press salivates over the slightest blunder by Obama; you would think with 8 yrs of Bush they would be tired of reporting blunders. I do not see the importance of these minor missteps, most of the British customs are quite antiquated and anyone with a modern life could easily miss one. It bothers me that Obama is being criticized for being seen drinking a Guiness while Joplin, MO suffers, (no disrespect or lack of concern for the people of Joplin is intended here). Really?? Has the president, if nothing else, atleast shown that his major concern is for the American people? Do you really think he does not care? At the moment though, the job of which we placed him in charge, demanded that his focus be elsewhere. Is there anything he can actually do? He has acknowledged the situation, and scheduled to visit the area, and I am sure he has approved whatever people to handle the care and caregiving to these people in need. Just sayin...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Is Anybody Out There???

     I attended the city wide forum for the city council debates yesterday evening and I am astounded. Education and job creation were the main problems of the city that were discussed and some very good things were said. I heard some real passion in some voices and in others I heard nothing. BUT there were only about 50 people in the room. That's what, 0.000001% of the population of Philly. Most of these were staff or family of the candidates, where the hell were the citizens???? I know Philadelphians care about their neighborhoods I have seen it from all areas. I know poor black communities, even with all its faults, that are fiercly loyal to their neighborhood and I've watched suburban whites fight tooth and nail to keep anything out of their neighborhoods that may be detrimental to it. So I know people care. Is it that we, as a city, have become so dissappointed by our local government that we've given up??? Most of what was said at the forum was right on the money when looking at the problems of jobs and education but city council cannot do it alone. A city, a thriving city, is built by the people that love it, live in it, and depend on it. A connection between the government of this city and the people needs to be formed or these problems will NOT be solved to OUR satisfactions!! Good intentions and a bus token will get me across town but thats about it. A connection must be made!!! AND with all due respect, politickin' and posturin' ain't gonna cut it!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

For the Ladies...

I was listening to some of my old-school rap collection, of which I love, and I listened to a song by an artist that is huge today that really struck me. Now, mind you, I have listened to this particular track hundreds of times before but something about hearing it resonated with me this time and I realized that Cee-Lo's opening verse voices an opinion that I have desperately been trying to put into words. This is exactly my sentiments and if you are really feelin' what I'm saying then get at me...

This is Goodie Mob from there first album, the track is "Beautiful Skin" and the lyrics are Cee-Lo's;

This is out of common respect for all women period. Word up. Like this song, yo.
I’m quite single, and occasionally I mingle, but aside from all the rest,
She sparks my interest. No ma’am I don’t know you,
Just offerin the common respect I feel I owe you
Also, some conversation, companionship, common ground and common sense,
There’s no such thing as coincidence in me finding you here
And I really hate screamin in yo’ ear, so some other time, ok?
I waited a day, Hello this the caller you told from a couple of days ago,
You sound tired, forgive me if I call you too late,
But what better time to relate mind state?
Where can I begin, hasn’t anyone ever told you you got beautiful skin?
You’re more than welcome, what do you desire within?
I just wanna be, there’s no need to put titles on you and me
Those are limitations, living and learning is our only obligations
Equality, honesty, independence, intelligence.
Emotional, and devotional, humbly seekin to hear God when He’s speakin.
At one time my mind couldn’t conceive, a woman had to dress a certain way to believe.
But in the same breath, allow me to say, that
If you believe young lady, you wouldn’t dress that way, and I,
Was attracted to yo’ class, I couldn’t see all yo’ ass, and I was very content,
You deserve every compliment, now,
Remember our indifferences make us the same, you got to have game,
Or you ain’t gonna be able to take care of yourself.
And love, when I look at you, I see my reflection.
So I offer my love, affection, and protection.
Shawty, you dead fine, but the bottom line is,
You still my sister.

Well I said you’re my beginning my end,
You’re my sister, lover, and friend
Lordy, your light from within
It shines, for your beautiful skin.
What they say bout you ain’t true
There’s no me if there is no you
I hope that you understand
You got to respect yourself before I can